Instructions on Self-Injections
EMD Serono Products
Enter the DIN number of your medication then click on “Resources” for instructional videos and injection guides.
Gonal-F DIN: 02270404
Luveris DIN: 02269066
Ovidrel DIN: 02262088
Ferring Products
Use the drop down menu “Patients Support Info” and select your medication for instructional videos and administration guides.
Menopur DIN: 02283093
Repronex DIN: 02247790
Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) DIN: 02247459 Endometrin DIN: 02334992
Merck Products
Puregon DIN: 02243948 –
Enter the DIN number, click on “How to use Puregon” Orgalutran DIN: 02245641 –
Enter the DIN number, click on “Video”
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